Friday, 25 April 2014

Success in Life: W. Clement Stone

The Success in Life Formula

success in lifeHave you ever wondered if there is a formula for success? The reason I ask is because there is one thing I know about people; each of us want to experience success in life. Now “success” may mean different things for different people. Some may think that success in life is having a healthy family while others may relate success in life to the accomplishment of career objectives. Some may consider themselves successful if they remain physically fit while some would equate success to the accumulation of a financial fortune.
Interestingly each of these ideas about success in life can be realized with the same formula. Years ago, back in 1962, W. Clement Stone, published his now classic book The Success System That Never Fails. I had heard of the book many years ago but assumed that since it was written in ’62 the concepts would be quite dated. But as I began reading through it I discovered that my assumption was wrong. The stories are somewhat dated and derive from a time long passed, but the formula is timeless. Allow me to describe the formula. Hopefully the simplicity of the system Stone provided will encourage you to implementation.

Success in Life: Inspiration to Action

success in lifeStone shared that success in life begins with what he termed “Inspiration to Action.” He defined it as that which motivates you, or anyone else, to act because you want to. The concept is simple: When you and I are truly inspired to do something, we will. But we must be TRULY inspired. It has to be more than a want to … it must be literally a HAVE TO.
This is what I have often referred to as a determined decision. Once we are truly determined for something to become a reality for us, then we are on the road to accomplishing it. I am convinced that most people who need to lose weight merely “want” to lose it. This is why they remain frustrated with diet programs that don’t work. The reality is that most diets work if they are implemented and followed to the letter. But without a determined decision to stick to it without cheating, then the weight simply will remain. To achieve any life goal we must be inspired to act. The future result must be far more important than the present reality.

Success in Life: Know-How

making money bloggingThis, according to Stone, is knowing the particular techniques and skills that consistently get the results you desire. Know-how is the proper application of knowledge and it becomes habit through actual repetitive experience. This means that whatever the goal we set that will give us success in life then we must take the time to learn what it will take to make it happen.
For many people this is where they take their place among the ranks of those who do not achieve their goals and desires. Taking time to actually learn things becomes problematic primarily because people tend to be focused on relaxation or pleasure. Watching T. V., surfing the web, or reading for pleasure are major time-takers. And there is nothing wrong with these past-times if you have no inspiration to accomplish something. But for people who want to realize dreams and goals and truly realize their personal version of success in life; then those activities are time wasters.
We live in a day and age where we can no longer say, “ I don’t have the money to get the training to …” I have several blogs and websites. I have designed and built each of them myself. I do all the SEO, writing, designing, marketing, and so on. All of my education is in theological studies. I have not logged a day of class time learning to create blogs. I have learned everything I know about blogging and web design from YouTube … free of charge. I may not have the best blogs, but I have blogs. I might not have the most interesting articles and posts, but I have articles and posts. I might not have as many readers as I would like, but my readership is growing daily. A life goal for me is to share my thoughts and offer help through my blogs … so I am getting the know-how and I am learning new stuff every day.

Success in Life: Activity Knowledge

takeactionStone defined the third part of the formula as knowledge of the activity, service, product, methods, techniques, and skills with which you are particularly concerned.
Simply put, Stone meant that we are to take what we have learned in “know-how” and put it into ACTION! Dreams and wishes are never realized until we take action and put into practice what we have learned. To lose weight you must learn the aspects of a diet and exercise program and put them into action. To start a particular business you must learn the aspects of that business (sales, marketing, finances, etc) and put them into action. To become an author you must learn correct writing skills and develop good style. Then you must take the action to sit and type each day until the book is a reality.
Dreams without action are merely nice thoughts. But action gets us on the road. And the ride is pleasant. Success is NOT the destination, but the journey. We have success in life when we know we are working toward the accomplishment of a goal.
Stone gave us a simple formula. Read his book, get inspired for success in life and take action.

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