Thursday, 17 April 2014


This is for you...    

Martin Luther King.

Mahatma Gandhi.

Nelson Mandela.


You were meant for something greater and it's time to share it with the world.

Start your movement.


I was recently asked by a YouTuber: "Evan, how do you define success?"

For me the answer is simple.

Success is happiness.

We all want to be happy.

We know what happiness feels likes.

And we look for it in our daily lives.

Success isn't about money.

It's not about the car you drive.

It's not about what you have on your resume.

To me, if you're happy, then you're successful.

So how do you stay happy?

This is different for everybody but here's what makes me happy:

1) Freedom
I need freedom to be able to do what I want, when I want.

(any surprise I became an entrepreneur?)

When I'm told what to do or restricted in what and when I can do things, I get frustrated and lose my happiness.

You could make $10 million per year but if you're working 100 hour weeks and don't have the freedom to enjoy it, does that make you successful?

Not in my mind.

2) Growth
I'm happy when I'm growing.

I'm also not happy when I'm not learning something new and feel like I'm stagnating.

It might be a new project in my business, a new travel adventure with my family, learning new salsa dance moves, whatever...

The growth can come from anywhere but if I'm stuck in the same pattern for too long and not learning something new, I get unhappy.

3) Impact
This to me is actually the most important one and the least common with most people.

Think about when you are the happiest.

It's usually when you are helping other people. 

You bailed your friend out of a tough jam.

You helped a random stranger on the street.

You made a customer's day with your service.

If I'm not making an impact, a real difference in people's lives then I'm unhappy.

I'd even give up Freedom and Growth to have Impact because that's the real happiness driver for me.


If Impact drives you then the next step up is building a movement.

Now it's not you just helping your friend, or a random stranger, or a customer.

It's changing the world.

Your story, vision, and passion can change the lives of millions of people.

I love helping entrepreneurs.

It's in my soul and I'll never stop.

But my real interest lies in helping entrepreneurs who want to make a powerful difference in the world.

When I die I want the world to be a better place because of the work I did.

I want the same thing for you too.

Start your movement.



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