When you write and read about start-ups
all day long, you see founders make a lot of mistakes.
an observer of and dabbler in start-ups, I've kept track of all the things I'd
try to avoid as an entrepreneur.
are the most common mistakes early stage start-ups and new founders make:
1. Getting press too early or just
some cases, press can be good. It can attract investors if you're seeking
financing. An article in Ad Age could attract advertising dollars.
2. Raising too much money too early.
a start-up is scary. No one likes seeing their savings dwindle away. But when
you rely on outside investors to take all the risk, it can make founders
frivolous with their spending. It also can dilute them so a future exit becomes
much less rewarding.
you pursue a start-up on your own first, you can work on proving the business
model and gaining traction without the pressure of board meetings or investors
looming over your head. Once you are self-sustaining, you can secure better
terms from investors. And, if no one outside is controlling your company, you
can exit whenever you want and never worry that someone else with a vested
interest in your start-up will fire you.
you don't have at least $50,000 saved up and you're not at a stage in life
where you're able to take a risk, you shouldn't be doing a start-up.
3. Trying to do a start-up alone.
are stressful and no one is good at everything. To avoid burn out, you need a
co-founder and/or advisors to split the work load and confide in. You'll also
be more productive with other people helping you, plus there will be more money
to bootstrap with.
take up a lot of time, so it's normal to feel chained to your desk. But you
need to interact with people and take productive meetings to move your business
forward. No one can do a start-up alone.
4. Having too many co-founders.
can seem like a great idea to start a business with your four best friends. But
that means you're starting out with just 25 percent of the company before ever
raising a round. Plus, it's hard to have four people calling the shots and it's
frustrating if everyone isn't pulling equal weight. Most start-ups with
multiple founders dwindle down to one lead founder anyhow. Think Facebook,
Quora, Path and Foursquare.
a start-up yourself (like David Karp) or with one other person you know you can
work with. Otherwise, it could be a messy and expensive breakup.
5. Going out too much.
are a lot of networking events and parties in the start-up world. It's possible
to network too much, and not work enough.
a balance. If you're a well-known face in the start-up community you should
probably be spending more time at your desk. Otherwise it sends a bad message
to your employees and investors.
quit your job because you have a brilliant idea you're sure will work.
... it doesn't. Now what?
you should never quit your job until you've had a chance to test your concept
and there's a legitimate chance it will work. But even then, it's hard to
predict your start-up's future.
may not have accurately predicted the way people would use your product, or
customers may hate a new feature you love.
Move fast, break things, and kill things. Don't hold onto a start-up idea just because you're enamored with it. Pull out a kernel of the idea that's working and blow it up into a full-fledged business, or pivot altogether. Some of the biggest companies today arose from the ashes of failed start-ups.
7. Communicating poorly and ignoring
first time founders especially, seize a life-changing opportunity when it's
offered to you. Save going all in for your next start-up.
9. Telling white lies.
of the start-up stories we read are about successes. But founders don't often
win the lottery.
are people who are practical and there are people who are dreamers. The best
start-up teams employ both types to keep them grounded while working toward a
massive achievement.
you think too small, you're limiting yourself and what you're capable of. When
you're creating something from scratch, you can create anything of any size you
Entrepreneur Week
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