Friday, 18 April 2014

Are all entrepreneurs rogues?

Research suggests it helps to have the naughty gene if you want to be a success.

To spread your entrepreneurial wings and fly you have to be comfortable taking a risk or two.

Having a competitive spirit helps too, according to research on the key psychological drivers of entrepreneurs conducted last year by organisational psychologist Kirsty Bucknell for Commonwealth Bank.
In interviews with almost 500 entrepreneurs and decision-makers on seven key personality traits, risk-taker (24 per cent) and competitor (20 per cent) were prominent among successful business owners.

But some of the same qualities that propel successful entrepreneurs forward could also be the ones that drive them over a cliff.

Entrepreneurs such as Alan Bond, Christopher Skase and Geoffrey Edelsten, hit great heights in the business world in the 1980s but then also experienced an equally spectacular unravelling of their achievements.

The psychological characteristics behind such riches to rags stories, might be their risk-taking traits.

Anne-Marie Orrock, founder and managing director, Corporate Canary, a human resources consulting firm, says entrepreneurs typically have a psychological make-up with a high degree of “dominance”.

“They are fairly ambitious; they are high risk-takers; they are very goal-orientated; they are very competitive.” They think conceptually and on a big scale.

“In order for them to be successful they have to take certain risks in the first place,” says Orrock.

Tim Mazzarol, Winthrop Professor of marketing and strategy at the University of Western Australia, says the experiences of high-flyers that end in bankruptcy, criminal charges, and for

Alan Bond jail, highlight the 'dark side” of the entrepreneur.

“It is often found in the form of egoism, hubris and a tendency to become self-deceiving about their own ability,” Mazzarol says.

He describes the trio as “promoters” rather than entrepreneurs, adding that they were typical of the 1980s approach to entrepreneurship in Australia.

“All were seemingly carried away with the desire to show off their wealth and became tempted to take risks that led to their businesses falling into bankruptcy.”

He argues that entrepreneurs today “use creativity and innovation combined with effective management and marketing skills, plus a good deal of social networking and transformational leadership, to create value”.

But any entrepreneurial venture comes with an element of uncertainty and risk, he adds, and anyone can make a mistake.

“For most entrepreneurs there is a fine line between success and failure,” he says. “The ability to grow a business rapidly without failure is an amazing feat. Most fast-growing businesses fail because fast growth is like riding a tiger or being on a rollercoaster.”

So how do risk-takers harness their psychological drivers in a way that helps them stay on the rails?

The Commonwealth Bank research shows that innovator (10 per cent) and learner (8 per cent) were among some of the other key psychological drivers in entrepreneurs and decision-makers. These qualities could help entrepreneurs learn from others, learn from their own mistakes and act as a buffer against self-deception.

Although Orrock says studies show our personality profile is fairly fixed, it is possible to change it by degrees.

“To circumvent the negative side of your personality and character traits, it is really about getting a greater sense of self-awareness about yourself and how you operate.

“You won't change from being a dominant person,
but you will adjust in degrees. You can work at being less analytical and focus on being more considerate of others socially.”

She suggests using validated psychological profiling tools can help entrepreneurs identify whether they have the psychological make-up needed to succeed in business.

A business coach can also help entrepreneurs become more aware of their psychological blind spots and how to make effective progress. “It's hard to just do it in isolation,” she says.

From The Age

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