Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Mozilla's boss, Mr Eich resigns over view on gay marriage

MOZILLA, the outfit behind the Firefox web browser and other software, has just lost its chief executive, Brendan Eich (pictured), who resigned on April 3rd after spending little more than a week in the job. His departure raises thorny questions about where lines should be drawn between leaderspersonal beliefs and their corporate roles.

Mr Eich quit after a controversy blew up about his views on gay marriage. In 2008 he gave $1,000 to a campaign that supported Proposition 8, a California ballot measure banning same-sex marriage in the state. The measure passed but was subject to legal challenges. Prop 8's supporters went all the way to the federal Supreme Court, which last year dismissed their appeal, thus allowing gay marriage in California to go ahead. When Mr Eich's support for the proposition became public a couple of years ago, it provoked an outcry in the Twittersphere, but this eventually died down. Mr Eich argued that Mozilla should stay focused on its mission and not allow differences of personal opinion to cloud its operations.

His elevation last month from chief technology officer to the top job at Mozilla rekindled the furore. Some Mozilla employees upset with Mr Eich's views on gay marriage called on him to step down. To make matters worse from Mozilla's perspective, OkCupid, a dating site, this week began sending out a message to visitors coming to it via Firefox that called on them to use an alternative browswer because of Mr Eich's public stance against gay marriage.
Faced with all this, Mr Eich threw in the towel. In a blog post about his departure, Mozilla's executive chairwoman, Mitchell Baker, admitted that the former chief executive's beliefs had created a dilemma for the company.Mozilla believes both in equality and freedom of speech,she wrote.Equality is necessary for meaningful speech. And you need to have free speech to fight for equality. Figuring out how to stand for both at the same time can be hard.
Plenty of folk have wondered out loud why Mr Eich's views on gay marriage had anything to do with his ability to lead an organisation that makes software. After all, he seemed eminently suited to the job given his track record as a co-founder of Mozilla and the man behind JavaScript, a very popular programming language.
However, the dilemma that Ms Baker refers to is real. Mozilla isn't a typical company. It is more of a community organisation that is strongly committed to so-called "open-source software", which is developed collaboratively and then licensed for use in such a way that it can be studied and changed easily by others. The outfit also campaigns actively to keep the internet open in the face of efforts by a few giant tech companies such as Google and Facebook to carve it up into fiefdoms that they rule over.
So Mozilla is a bizarre beast in the world of tech: part business and part internet missionary. It also relies heavily on the goodwill of programmers and others to support its efforts. To woo them, the outfit has stressed that it is an open and inclusive workplace. In her blog post Ms Baker refers to the fact that Mozilla prides itself on being held to a different standardas an organisation.
By appointing Mr Eich to the top job, Mozilla's board members must have known they were risking a backlash. They only needed to consider the experience of Chick-fil-A, an American fast-food chain whose boss, Dan Cathy, had also publicly opposed gay marriage. Mr Cathy recently said he regretted taking a public stance on the issue after his firm was hit by a consumer boycott.
Some critics say that at a time when Mozilla is struggling to adapt its wares to a world dominated by smartphones and other mobile devices, it can ill-afford to lose a talented techie like Mr Eich. And they argue that forcing a boss to resign on the basis of his beliefs is a dangerous precedent that smacks of political correctness gone mad.
But a chief executive has to be able to get people to follow him and engender confidence in the broader marketplace. The schism Mr Eich's appointment caused within Mozilla risked damaging its ability to pursue its mission. And OKCupid's decision to call on Firefox users to switch to other web browsers is evidence that the fallout was starting to have a real impact on Mozilla's operations.
All this raises the question of why Ms Baker did not anticipate the impact that Mr Eich's promotion would have. In her blog post, she trumpets thediversity and inclusivenessof Mozilla's workforce, yet admits at the same time that the board failed "to listen, to engage and to be guided by our community". We should applaud her belated frankness, but hard questions should be asked of her own leadership in this sad saga.

From The Economist

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