Influencers -- those well-connected,
knowledgeable voices to which others listen and respond -- are coveted
connections. They can provide insight, recommendations, introductions and
people already know who the influencers are in their industries, says attorney
and entrepreneur Steven Babitsky, co-author of The Street Smart MBA: 10 Proven
Strategies for Driving Business Success (Apress, 2012). They're often popular
authors, speakers, bloggers, columnists or successful businesspeople. Babitsky
has an effective formula for connecting with many of them. Here are his six
steps to connecting with influencers in your industry.
1. Offer something.
three things and ask for one," Babitsky says. In other words: Give more
than you take. When he's interested in making contact with an influencer,
Babitsky first determines what he can offer that will be of value to the
contact. He may be writing a white paper or book or be organizing a conference
where he can offer the individual a speaking gig.
course, not everyone is writing books or organizing conferences every day.
However, you can offer to interview the person for your blog or for a special
report on your web site. Alternatively, you might be involved with a
professional or trade organization where you can introduce the individual to
your own network of influencers.
2. Do your homework.
usually possible to research influencers' past writing and speeches, interests,
and pet causes with a simple online search. Don't waste their time asking basic
questions or for information that is easily available online. Instead, find
common points and use those to find areas where you might connect.
3. Get in touch.
likes to reach out via phone or email instead of social media because it's more
personal, he says. However, take your lead from the influencer's cues. If he or
she is active on Twitter or carries on online conversations on his or her blog,
that might be a good way to get in touch, too.
4. Limit the ask.
reaching out for the first time, make it short and sweet. Don't ask for
anything that will take more than 10 or 15 minutes -- a brief interview or a
straightforward question or two. People generally like to help, but they may
not have time to answer lengthy questionnaires or get involved in a seemingly
endless back-and-forth.
5. Keep in touch.
a database of contacts that also includes searchable keywords related to
interests. That way, if you come across an article or information related to
some of your contacts’ interests, you can easily send it along, keeping you
relevant and memorable.
6. Ask to reciprocate.
someone has helped you, Babitsky recommends asking the individual if there is
anything you might do to help him or her. The individual may be dealing with a
challenge you can help alleviate, he says. If not, the ask is another form of
relationship building, showing the influencer that you're interested in giving
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