Wednesday, 7 May 2014

What Happens When You Break Up With Facebook: Nothing


Here's your contradictory marketing idea for the day: One month after deleting its Facebook page, food delivery app Eat24 is on the rebound--with more downloads and response to other forms of marketing than ever.

At the end of March, food delivery app Eat24 deleted its Facebook page, explaining in a hilarious Dear John letter that it was frustrated with the social network's severely diminished free organic reach, and the company would spend its marketing dollars elsewhere.
Now, Eat24 has posted an (equally amusing) update to its blog Bacon Sriracha Unicorn Diaries, announcing the results of losing the previously significant customer communication tool: nothing. Or rather, nothing negative. In fact, Eat24 calls the breakup "the best marketing move we made all year," citing a 75% increase in app downloads the week after the split, and an email open rate that has risen from 20% to 40% over the past four weeks of weekly marketing emails. Not only that, the post includes screenshots showing that customers have actually been replying to the marketing emails with general kudos for the messages' entertainment value, or even requests to be added back to Eat24's coupon mailing lists after accidentally unsubscribing.
"When is the last time you accidentally(??) unsubscribed to some company’s mass email, realized your mistake (???), then actually took the time to contact them and ask to be subscribed again(????)?" says the post. "For us it’s exactly never. Zero times. We barely even want to read our own stuff when we’re done writing it, and yet we get these requests all the time."
Eat24 notes, however, that while many on the Internet cheered the Facebook dump, fellow marketers were less enthused.
"But everything wasn’t all wine and roses and nacho cheese fondue fountains," they write. "While most people were happy for us, some people (namely our fellow marketing professionals) felt like we needed a little tough love and self-reflection… which is a nice way of saying our breakup letter made them really f***ing angry, and they took to the comment section to let us know just how angry they were about it…A lot of you called us cheap for not wanting to spend money to promote our page or invest in Facebook advertising. The fact is that we’re totally willing to spend money (on stuff that works). In fact, we poured $1 million into Facebook last year. No joke (Just ask Dave from Accounting, he cries about it every day)."
The company also dismisses accusations that if Facebook wasn't working for them, perhaps they weren't using it right.
"Since we deleted our Facebook, we’ve seen a huge increase in open rate, more replies, and more sign-ups. If that’s content done wrong, we don’t wanna be right!" they write. "Nah, we’re not here to toot our own horn. Honestly one of the main reasons we’re happy our Facebook is gone is that there’s no record of all the dumb stuff we posted there. So anyway, it could be that people are opening our emails just to laugh at how bad they are, OR… maybe when one communication channel went down, our customers found another one to take its place."

From Fast Company

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