We may not be able to give Teaching Entrepreneurship an A but giving it an “incomplete” as reported by Dr. Carl Schramm in a recent post on the Wall Street Journal website is not accurate and his rubric seems underdeveloped. We argue that learning entrepreneurship requires practice and sometime it’s difficult to measure the impact of practice until you actually play the game. The game, however, is undefined. Entrepreneurship is not medicine and it’s not a science. But, let’s talk about what we do know and what the current thinking is in the field. While the perspective of teaching entrepreneurship using pedagogies from medical sociology is relevant, the facts that Dr. Shramm uses to justify the point of view are unfortunately, incorrect, as is the conclusion.
First – while it is true that the number of Ph.D. Programs in Entrepreneurship and the number of Ph.D.’s has increased over the past 20 years, from less than a couple hundred in 1990 faculty world-wide to nearly 2000 today, there is no correlated evidence that the number of new businesses is declining. TheGlobal Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) study, co-founded by Babson College, has for 15 years tracked start-up rates for economies around the world. If we look at US data between 1999-2011 entrepreneurial start-up activity actually rose. More specifically- between 2008-2012 the rate rose from 8.7%to 13% in 2012 and remains steady into 2013. More important, individual attitudes towards perceptions of opportunities and perceived capabilities rose or remained stable over the same period of time.
Second – the first entrepreneurship course was actually taught by Myles Mace called “Management of New Enterprises” in the Harvard MBA Program in 1947 while Peter Drucker offered a course at NYU on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” in 1953. While it is true that entrepreneurship education has grown dramatically around the world with well more than 2200 courses being offered at more than 1600 schools around the world (Katz, J. 2003, The Chronology and Intellectual Trajectory of American Entrepreneurship Education 1876-1999; Journal of Business Venturing), as entrepreneurial ecosystems and environments have changed, so too has content, pedagogy and approaches to teaching.
In our recent book, Teaching Entrepreneurship: A Practice-Based Approach(Neck, H., Greene, P. & Brush, C., 2014, Edward Elgar Publishing) we show that teaching pedagogies initially started as “war stories”, showcasing heroic entrepreneurs and their traits in the early 1950’s. By the 1970’s, the practicality of writing a business plan emerged as Small Business Development Center’s (SBDC’s) by the SBA in the mid 1970’s, to support business start-ups. In the 1990’s, the strong influence of strategy and management on entrepreneurship brought the case study methodology to our teaching. Yet, times are changing and the much of what is purported in this article as current is really not all that current.
Today, even though there are still hundreds of business plan competitions which serve to showcase student businesses and provide opportunities for alums to donate, participate and connect with students, the top ranked business schools in entrepreneurship no longer use business plans as the core of their pedagogy. In fact, at Babson College while we were the first school to offer a business plan competition in 1984, we stopped teaching the business plan in our curriculum 5 years ago and changed our business plan competition to a the Babson Entrepreneurial Thought and Action (BETA) Challenge which focuses on accomplishment of major milestones in taking action towards creating and growth of a business.
Fourth – it is true that during the boom of venture capital between 1990-2003 there was a heavy focus on trying to help students develop venture fundable businesses. Once again, our analysis of the top 50 books in entrepreneurship found only a handful of texts that focused on VC-backed start-ups, while the rest covered a variety of sources of funding. Those that are more current in entrepreneurship education are fully aware that teaching bootstrapping is essential. Furthermore, crowd-funding is adding a new twist while angels are really fueling the new venture capital markets.
Finally, when it comes to evidence of whether or not entrepreneurship education makes a difference our school provides one testament. At Babson 100% of our students take entrepreneurship as a required course. The emphasis is on helping students to develop skills and capabilities to be entrepreneurial in start-ups and other contexts (including corporate venturing, family entrepreneurship and social ventures). Our pedagogy is “practice” based and entrepreneurial skills are taught as a method following the work of Billett (2010) whereby students carry out activities designed to help assess feasibility, build business models, create or identify opportunities, pull together a team and acquire resources. Does it work? We find that somewhere between 13-17% of our graduates (MBA and Undergraduate) may launch businesses at graduation- a metric which is popular but arguably not the best. However, a recent alumni survey shows that 68% of our alums “think of themselves” as entrepreneurs and more than 45% presently run or have run their own businesses. Further, 84% felt their Babson {entrepreneurial} education influenced their career pathway. But, please let us be careful in what we are trying to measure from an education perspective. Entrepreneurship education is not the myopic view described in the article. We are not simply educating students to open a business. We are educating students to navigate increasingly uncertain and ambiguous environments, to create their futures, and make an impact. Recruiters come to Babson College because our students think and act entrepreneurially. It’s a skillset, mindset, and necessity for success in almost all contexts today.
So when it comes to the value of entrepreneurship education, there is a strong argument that yes, it makes a difference. Entrepreneurship education has evolved and when taught as a practice, it is valuable not only to students, but to our economy as well.
From Forbes
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