Appealing to customer emotion or sentiment is a common technique in advertising. Even when customers look for rational reasons to make purchases, the ability for advertisers to tap into underlying emotions can greatly increase the potential response. Different emotional appeals are used to motivate customers to act in specific ways.
A June 2010 article in the "Journal of Advertising Research" noted that while concrete ad messages can generate more short-term reaction, abstract or emotional persuasion contributes to better long-term effects. This demonstrates the importance of using emotional appeals to build loyal attachments with customers over time. Generating customer loyalty, which stems from an emotional bond of commitment to your brand or products, is normally the ultimate objective of advertisers.
One of the most common adages used in advertising circles is "sex sells." While this may generalize the point a bit, sensual messages appealing to basic human desires for sexuality, romance and relationships work and are commonly used. Sensual emotional appeals make perfect sense for advertisers of Valentine's Day festivities or sales and companies like Victoria's Secret. However, companies selling products with no obvious relationship or sexual connection still make use of sensual messaging. Norwegian cruise lines, for instance, routinely promotes an image of sensuality and adventure when targeting college students and young adults for pleasure cruises.
Fear Appeal
Fear and anxiety appeals are also common and effective in advertising. These are techniques whereby the advertiser attempts to convince targeted customers that negative consequences will result if they don't purchase the promoted brand or product. Insurance companies use these emotional methods regularly to emphasize why you need home, auto or life insurance. Pharmaceutical companies also use anxiety-inducing persuasion to drive demand for medicines that minimize psychological, relationship or emotional difficulties people experience in life.
Another technique for emotional persuasion is known as slice-of-life advertising. This is where customers see messages that demonstrate how their lives are better, safer or more comfortable if they use the advertised products. Beer makers often depict their products used in social settings where people are partying and having fun. Along with fun, these ads use adventure, excitement and family bonding as themes. This approach to emotional persuasion is especially common during holidays where a variety of products are marketed as useful in enhancing your holiday, family experience.
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