The latest neuroscience suggests you can literally "edit" your memory. Here's what this big
breakthrough means for you.
The most recent edition of The New Yorker magazine contains an article about neuroscientists
who study the way the brain retrieves memories. What they've found out is probably the most
important breakthrough of all time in the field of successtraining.
Most people think about human memory as a videotape or computer memory. When you
remember something, you're playing back the memory, which is vivid or vague depending on how
good you are at remembering things.
It turns out that human memory isn't like that at all. When you remember something, your brain
is "rewiring" the connections between neurons, literally changing the structure of your brain.
Rather than video playback, human memory is more like video editing. When you remember
something you are recreating, changing, and re-memorizing. The memory is subject to change every
time you remember it.
According to the latest research, it's possible to intentionally edit bad memories to remove the bad
feelings associated with those memories. This new memory therapy is being used treat to PTSD
Your attitude and behavior--the two things that make you successful--are heavily influenced by your
For example, if you've experienced a painful failure in the past, you're more likely to avoid taking risks,
even when they're smart risks.
Similarly, if you've had successes in the past, you're more likely to take actions to repeat those
successes, if you have vivid positive memories about them.
The reason that this research is so important is that we now know that you can:
- Edit your bad memories so that they don't hold you back.
- Edit your good memories so that they propel you forward.
In other words, you can literally rewire your brain to make you more successful.
The method described in the article is almost exactly the same as a method that author and
motivational speaker Anthony Robbins (of all people) has been training people to use for the past
two decades.
To extract the poisonous fangs (as it were) of your bad memories, bring the memory into your
mind, and then imagine it getting smaller and dimmer, like you're watching a tiny black-and-white TV.
Now add details that scramble the memory. For instance, if you're remembering a time when you
flubbed a presentation, turn the audience (the little bitty audience in the little bitty screen) so that
they're all wearing clown suits.
Do this five or 10 times and you'll discover that the bad memory simply doesn't sting any longer. If
anything, the memory of that presentation will make you chuckle, because you have literally and
physically rewired your brain.
To make your good memories more powerful and motivating, you do the same thing in reverse. You
call the memory up as vividly as you can, on a huge IMAX, surround-sound screen. Make it bright
and loud.
Most importantly, insert or increase the wonderful feelings that you experienced in that situation.
Do this five or 10 times and you'll discover that what was once just a happy memory is now a
driving motivation. The more you experience the memory, the more you'll want to make it real again.
I've been using this method on and off for years, without really understanding why it works. Now
that I know the neuroscience behind it, I'm going to make editing and improving my memories into
a daily habit.
From Inc. Magazine
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