Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Your Ticket to Wealth

Living the good life isn’t about amassing material wealth. I encourage people to set goals for not only what they want to have, but also what they want to become, experience and share. 

It’s good to have a healthy income, of course, because the wise use of money can offer you freedom. And if you’re an entrepreneur, you need cash to fuel your dreams. In order to create wealth (however you define it), you need to think how wealthy people think. There are a lot of great books on the subject (and some great SUCCESS insights in every issue!). I want to expand on one important step to success: Find someone who is truly wealthy in all ways, not only monetarily, and emulate that person’s philosophies. 

You could tap a business owner you’ve admired from afar, or maybe a family friend or an elder. Interview this individual about his or her thought patterns, life and business outlooks, and interpersonal style. Then model your life after that person’s. 

When you practice this on a regular basis, you may find that there are a lot of differences between how that person is living and how you live. No two people are exactly alike, but getting close to a wealth mentor can teach you a lot about becoming the person you want to be.

From Success Magazine

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