Wednesday, 25 June 2014

The Top 3 Lies Every Entrepreneur Tells Herself

Most entrepreneurs have a very, very optimistic view of the world. I once took a personality assessment that concluded I was 10,000 times more optimistic than the average human being. Well-harnessed, optimism can be powerful fuel for growth. But left unchecked, over-optimism can cause huge blindspots that can lead to disaster. With that in mind, consider my list of the top three “self-talk” lies that every optimistic entrepreneur tells herself (at one point or another).

Lie #1:  “This will get easier as we grow”
Just like raising children, the challenges (and joys!) in growing a company shift over time, but they never seem to actually shrink in mental weight. On one hand, it was such a thrill in the early days to move so rapidly to ship both physical and digital product at Julep, taking an “all for one, one for all” approach to everything from guerilla marketing to back-end order generation via Excel. As we’ve grown, we’ve brought on specialized experts in everything from photography to data architecture, and almost everyone has had to give up a piece of “doing it all” in order to “do more better”. This emotional shift is one of the more difficult aspects of growth. I really can’t say what was harder—raising money from angels in hamburger tab increments or raising money from VCs, most of whom aren’t interested in women-focused categories like beauty (possibly too big and too high margin?).

Lie #2:  “I have enough money in the bank”
When I left my corporate job at Starbucks to start my own company, Julep, I went to go talk with Howard Schultz to ask for his advice.  He wished me luck, and warned me that growing Julep would cost three times more than I thought it would. Well, he was totally wrong. It actually took ten times more than I thought it would. Of course, we’re building a much bigger, more dynamic company than the bricks and mortar nail polish services business we started out with. But the truth about building a new type of company that hasn’t existed before, like the full-stack beauty company we’re growing at Julep, is that there are no preset measures of progress. There are hypotheses, hard work, and iteration of hypotheses—all of which is very expensive. So, if you can, take Howard’s wise advice and build a bigger war chest for growth than you think you could possibly ever need. I’ve never yet met an entrepreneur who has regretted taking too much money.

Lie #3:  “I have all the right people in all the right roles”
Building a company is a team sport, and one of the biggest joys of growing Julep is the tremendous privilege of working with the amazing people who are on our team. In the rush of gratitude to those who took the leap with you when you didn’t have the basics in place (in our case, an office with working plumbing), it’s easy to fall into the trap of feeling like your team is complete. All you need is a little more time, a little more brand awareness, and a little more money in the bank (see Lie #1 above).
However, all people managers need to stop frequently to ask the question, “If I were building the team today, what would it look like?” And, even more importantly, “What’s the team I’ll need two years from now, and how do I get there from here?” Often, the answer involves investing in current team members who will rise to the challenge— one of the most rewarding ways to grow a company.
But asking these questions will also identify gaps in skill set that may inform the next hire you make. For example, one of our core values at Julep is, “Be scrappy.” Often, this advocates for giving junior people more opportunity and not hiring seasoned, expensive executives too far ahead of the curve. However, if your organization is growing so rapidly that it needs another senior leader to help you scale, or you’re embarking upon a major strategic initiative, like expanding internationally, it may be wise to fill your current gap differently. And overall, if you’re growing quickly, chances are your team will need additional support throughout the org that you don’t have in place today.
The trick to seeing through these common lies of entrepreneurialism is to surround yourself with people who will tell you the hard truth, especially when you least want to hear it. I’ve been so lucky to have an incredible Co-Founder, Kate MacDonald, who shares in my ambition for Julep while being a thoughtful partner who will always set me straight from her perspective. I’m hopeful that the collaborative and honest environment we’ve created together will invite everyone who works at Julep to help me harness the power of my optimism for good, not self-delusion.

From Forbes

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