Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Post Smarter: The Best Times to Use Social Platforms (Infographic)

Almost every small business, 81 percent, is on social media, and 94 percent of them use these social platforms for marketing purposes (attracting clients and building a brand), according toresearch from LinkedIn. As social media usage becomes ubiquitous, the rate will only continue to grow, as more small businesses use Facebook pages and Twitter as their main platforms for communication, even more so than their websites.
The LinkedIn study and SumAll data further find social media’s importance to “hyper growth” companies (those with significant year-over-year growth). Ninety one percent of these firms said social media grew awareness, and nearly three quarters grew their social media budgets in the past year. The small businesses using social platforms must be doing something right.
Once small businesses are on social media they need to then figure out how to leverage each platform to meet their goals. These types of companies don’t have the luxury of spending too much time on any facet of their business. Small businesses want to be sure their content is engaging and impactful, and will have “legs” throughout the network in terms of additional sharing.
What many small business owners and managers overlook is the “when” of social media posting, not just the “what,” “where” and “why.” Having the right content is great, but knowing the time of day when people are most receptive to posts is invaluable for companies that need to run efficient campaigns. is a startup firm that provides data analytics for companies ranging from small businesses to large enterprise-level players such as Starbucks and Pandora. The company analyzed large amounts of customer data to determine the most opportune times to send out posts to various platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest and Google. The “best time” metric was calculated for each social media platform by measuring the responses on hundreds of millions of different posts, representing companies in various industry verticals. The measured “responses” were likes, comments, reposts and other similar activities that represent a specific action taken by the recipient.
The research found the platform-specific times illustrated in the below infographic were generally optimal for sending posts. Some thoughts on the likely reasons for the popularity of the specific timeframes will follow.
Twitter: People have a chance to share their own thoughts or retweet in the afternoon.
Facebook: The work day is slowing down and people have more time to do a Facebook check.
Tumblr: Reading micro-blogs on Tumblr takes more time and thought than other platforms, so non-work hours are often ideal.
Pinterest: Weekends are best, as the craft and collection emphasis of Pinterest lends itself to weekend projects.
A common trend with the optimal times is you want to catch people during their downtime. You might need to get them early in the morning during their commute or “settling in” time at work, during lunch or in the evenings.
Small businesses should try to follow these times but also need to understand the timing may be different for their specific customer base or industry. If they are trying to reach college students, the normal 9 to 5 workday doesn’t apply. Experimentation is still recommended, and small businesses can use various tools to automate the sending of posts and tweets at various times throughout the day and over the weekend.

From Entreprenuer

10 Quotes to Get You Through the Marathon of Entrepreneurship

Being a successful entrepreneur is about approaching your success journey as a marathon, not a sprint. However, if you’ve actually run a marathon, you know the high of the excitement at the starting line and the low of mile 18 when you think you just can’t take one more step.
The path of entrepreneurship has distinct peaks and valleys, so here are 10 quotes to keep you motivated for wherever you are in the marathon.
10 Quotes to Get You Through the Marathon of Entrepreneurship
Benjamin Franklin
1. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." -- Benjamin Franklin
Franklin, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, was also one of the most successful business entrepreneurs in America of his time with his printing press. His Poor Richard’s Almanac is still a business book to be relished today with timeless wisdom about wealth and planning. One of the success-building principles is proper planning. Get a plan and know where you’re going.
2. "Quality is not an act, it is a habit." -- Aristotle
As an entrepreneur, you need a winning strategy based on a quality service offering. Quality doesn’t develop overnight. Through relentlessly putting your best into everything you do, you’re sure to finish the marathon of success.
3. “You want to be extra rigorous about making the best possible thing you can. Find everything that’s wrong with it and fix it.” -- Elon Musk
How is quality achieved? By constantly improving. Musk is one of the most brilliant risk-taking entrepreneurs in the market and he says this comes from constant feedback on how you can improve the quality of something. Live it, learn it and do it for success.
10 Quotes to Get You Through the Marathon of Entrepreneurship
Sara Blakely Image credit: David Shankbone
4. “I think failure is nothing more than life's way of nudging you that you are off course. My attitude to failure is not attached to outcome, but in not trying at all.” -- Sara Blakely
How could a recent failure you’ve experienced open up the doors for a different opportunity? Always see the ways that mistakes or failures are trying to re-shape your product or service to improve.
5. "The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake -- you can't learn anything from being perfect." -- Adam Osborne
Making mistakes is part of the marathon. You trip, you fall down, but you get back up and keep going. Those stumbles and mistakes can be the most important thing you ever do as they lead to making everything better. You get better from failures -- products get better from improving on shortcomings. You can always do better by learning from the mistakes.
6. "Entrepreneurship is the last refuge of the troublemaking individual." -- Natalie Clifford Barney
Maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit is an important step in the marathon. Have some fun, stir up some trouble, be a disruptor if you feel like it -- that’s where the magic happens. Go start causing some good-natured trouble in your industry.
10 Quotes to Get You Through the Marathon of Entrepreneurship
Seth Godin Image credit: Joi Ito
7. "You are not your resume, you are your work." -- Seth Godin
What people have or haven't done in the past doesn't always determine whether they will be successful entrepreneurs. Don’t fixate on a perfect resume, just be prepared to learn from your mistakes and share your true work with the world.
8. "I like thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big." -- Donald Trump
Never think of yourself as being too small to carry out a great idea. There are countless numbers of successful people who got their start from a much humbler set of circumstances than your own. Never let that be an excuse to stop or not take action to begin with -- there’s always a way, find it!
9. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of other people's opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition." -- Steve Jobs
This is the why of your marathon. Why are you an entrepreneur? Why are you even in this race? Don’t start running unless you know what you’re running for. What awaits you at the finish line? Knowing that answer and being true to your desires will see you out in the low times to get you through to the successful end.
10. “Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.” -- Tony Hsieh
Hsieh’s quote says it all.

From Entreprenuer

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

Young developer looks to take Joburg’s Maboneng Precinct model to Ghana

Jonathan Liebmann, founder of Propertuity, the property development company that owns and is responsible for the creative architecture and designs of the regenerated mixed-use developments of Johannesburg’s Maboneng Precinct, has his eye on Accra, Ghana for his next venture.
Jonathan Liebmann, founder of Propertuity
Jonathan Liebmann, founder of Propertuity
Although plans to expand Propertuity to Accra are still in its infancy, the company has already identified potential local partners and architects and is looking at various deals.
“We haven’t committed to any property yet, but the idea is to create a mixed-use development by recycling an old building in an old downtown area and then trying to bring life back there, and to the urban core there as well,” Liebmann told How we made it in Africa.
“I have spoken to a lot of companies just to try and get some advice and just really understand the market. And, of course, my model is going to be to have a local partner and also to start small so not to get ahead of ourselves.”
In 2008 Liebmann founded Propertuity in South Africa, the company behind the Maboneng Precinct in the urban core of Johannesburg. The area, once derelict, has breathed life into the city and has attracted residents back into the urban centre.
Prior to starting his company, Liebmann said he had always had an interest in the social dynamics and economics behind property, and at the age of 18 he bought, renovated and sold his first apartment.
He was inspired to found Propertuity after he returned to Johannesburg from travelling abroad and was looking to reconnect with the city.
“I felt that there was a huge need to re-engage with the city and to provide alternative living and working spaces,” he explained. “I was very bored and uninspired by Johannesburg’s suburbs. And so I started to think about how I could change the landscape.”
When it comes to regenerating old buildings, Liebmann said he is a design focused developer and spends roughly a third of each working day on design and collaborating with architects. He believes a lot of his success with Maboneng comes from understanding the context of the area he is developing.
“I think for me it’s very important that you have a really good understanding of the context in which you are developing the property, so an understanding of the essence of the place you are developing in. And if you can understand that, you can design and develop the property accordingly.”
Looking ahead
“In Maboneng we are still going to be developing another 20 buildings over the next three years. So we have a huge pipeline in Maboneng,” Liebmann continued. “The population is going to triple over the next two years. So there is massive, massive growth coming to Maboneng but at the same time I am also starting to look down the line at other opportunities in other African cities.”
Liebmann said that, alongside Accra, the firm is also looking at expanding into Durban on South Africa’s east coast, and will be considering areas that are similar to the Maboneng Precinct in terms of accessibility.
“I think the most important thing is finding an area which is well located in terms of its proximity to other areas that are in the city. So Maboneng makes sense because it is in the central core of Johannesburg, so it’s actually very accessible. It’s also right by the highway so it’s got a very easy entrance and exit into it.”
He added that while Propertuity is in no way restricted to expanding only on the continent, Africa does offer considerable promise for the property development market.
“I think Africa has a huge amount of potential. It has six of the 10 most high growth countries in the world,” he highlighted. “I want to be a part of that growth.”
The future for Africa’s property sector, continued Liebmann, will be a combination of recycling old buildings and developing new ones. However, he explained that his business lies specifically in rejuvenating old buildings, and specifically looks for rundown industrial buildings.
“And with Africa’s colonial history, there are a lot of beautiful old colonial buildings that need rehabilitation so we see it as our responsibility to facilitate that.”
Advice from a young, serial entrepreneur
Liebmann started his first business at the age of 15 throwing parties inside clubs. At 18 he first tried his hand at property development, and a year later started a mobile coffee shop business. He then started a cleaning service, and at 21 created a chain of laundromats and drycleaners which he managed to grow to 17 stores before selling the company and starting Propertuity.
Having entered into property development at the young age of 24, Liebmann said he did face ageism as an entrepreneur. However, to counter this, he followed the notion that actions speak louder than words.
“People will take you seriously if you are properly performing and you are creating lots of change. There is no one who is going to disregard that.”
His advice to other young entrepreneurs looking to follow in his footsteps is to completely know and be confident in their product, both from a technical and financial point of view.
“And I think that the confidence can be the foundation of your success,” he concluded.

From How We Made it in Africa

Watch out South Africa, Nigeria is on the rise

For years South Africa has asserted itself as Africa’s most dominant economy, frequently being touted as the world’s gateway into Africa. However, its anaemic growth in recent times has seen other African countries rise to the pinnacle of the continent’s economic landscape. At a time when six of the world’s 10 fastest growing economies in the last decade have been in Africa averaging around 7% GDP growth, South Africa has only managed a miserly GDP growth rate of around 3.9% over the same comparable period.
Perry Munzwembiri
Perry Munzwembiri
The growing inequalities between the rich and the poor, labour unrest, service delivery protests and corruption among a range of other ills have hampered South Africa’s progress. EnterNigeria, Africa’s most populous country with more than 160m people and whose GDP has grown at an average of 6% since 2006 according to the World Bank. Nigeria’s rapid growth over the years appears to have attracted noteworthy foreign investments such as global giant Procter & Gamble’s recent US$300m manufacturingplant and the Dubai-like Eko Atlantic City being built on land reclaimed from the Atlantic Ocean, among other foreign investments.
Nigeria’s Bureau of Statistics is in the process of recalculating the country’s GDP to better reflect its changing economic configuration over the years. The recalculation, called rebasing, is an adjustment that will account for changes in market prices and weights of goods and services, and will also see the base year of calculation change from 1990 to 2010. The last rebasing exercise in the West African country was carried out in 1990. If Nigeria’s GDP were to rise by about 60% as estimates indicate to about $432bn, it will be the 28th largest economy in the world, and overtakeSouth Africa as Africa’s biggest economy in terms of GDP.
The country has set itself an ambitious target of becoming one of the world’s top 20 economies by 2020. Nigeria has been second only to China in terms of cumulative real GDP growth in local currency terms since 2008. Jim O’Neill, former economist at Goldman Sachs famous for coining the acronym BRICS, has now shifted attention to what he terms the MINTs (Mexico, Indonesia, Nigeria and Turkey) which he sees as the pillars of global growth in the coming years, with Nigeria being the most prominent among them. Accounting for about $5bn of the foreign direct investment into Africa in 2013 alone, clearly Nigeria is in good stead to become one of the leading economies with time.
On the surface this makes for some scintillating reading. However, a closer look at the dynamics of Nigeria’s economy reveals structural deficiencies that are overlooked by GDP figures as indicators of economic growth and development.
Military extremism in the north
Nigeria has had to contend with threats posed by Boko Haram as well as other Islamist militant groups for a while. The Muslim north has been the area most affected by the activities of these extremists, perhaps the most antagonistic of them being Boko Haram. It is estimated that since 2002, the group which has been proscribed as a terrorist organisation by most foreign governments, has accounted for over 10,000 deaths in the region.
Often, it is argued that the unemployment, lack of education opportunities, poverty and socio-economic inequalities rife in the northern parts of the country provide a steady supply of youths who can be recruited into the radical organisation. The consequences of such extremism have been all too apparent, ranging from kidnappings, bombings and assassinations. In May 2013, the Nigerian president declared a State of Emergency in three regions in the northern parts of the country as part of state efforts to thwart insurgents.

This could potentially be a self-perpetuating cycle where the northern parts of Nigeria, because of the instability, fail to attract investments thereby further entrenching income inequalities and under-development compared to the oil rich south. This extremism is more than just religious pursuits to impose Sharia Law. Commenting on Boko Haram and their activities, professor of criminology at the University of Abuja, Femi Odekunle, says: “The government needs to address the social order issues which constitute economic and educational issues that are underlying the emergence and sustenance of Boko Haram.” As long as wealth and opportunities remain or are perceived to be concentrated in the southern states with the oil refineries, it is not immediately conceivable how the terror caused by militant groups in the north will abate. The costs of such insurgents on the economy are too dear, and could all but reverse strides made in developing Nigeria.
Corruption is the elephant in the room
Recently, Nigeria has made headlines with high profile cases of corruption. From allegations by former Central Bank governor Lamido Sanusi of $20bn being unaccounted for by the state, to senior government ministers being sacked, reportedly for corruption, clearly corruption is rampant in Nigeria. Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index ranks Nigeria at 144 out of the 177 countries measured, underlining the extent to which corruption is endemic in the country.
Nigeria’s Finance Minister Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala who, in her book Reforming the Unreformable: Lessons from Nigeria, dedicated an entire chapter to corruption, concedes that Nigeria indeed has a problem with corruption. However, she, like other members of President Goodluck Jonathan’s government, downplays corruption. Speaking to Christiane Amanpour, CNN’s chief international correspondent, Okonjo-Iweala says: “Nigeria does have a problem with corruption and so do many other countries, including developed countries.”
To be fair, corruption is not only peculiar to Nigeria, and notable strides have been made to try to stamp it out in the country. Yet, corruption could see incomes remain unevenly distributed in a country where the World Bank estimates that 67% of the population still live in poverty. Former executive chairman of Nigeria’s Economic and Financial Crimes Commission Nuhu Ribadu revealed that since independence in 1960, Nigeria has lost close to $380bn to corruption and mismanagement. Corruption then is the elephant in the room the country has to address if these statistics are anything to go by.
Structural economic issues
On a broader level, Nigeria’s economy is hampered by structural issues that threaten the growth it has been witnessing. Eighty percent of the country’s revenue comes from crude oil exports, which signifies an undiversified economy reliant on the oil and gas sectors that are susceptible to the caprices of fluctuating commodity prices. This speaks to the need to diversify the country’s economy.
Furthermore, growth in the Nigerian economy has been in less labour intensive sectors such as oil and gas, telecoms and banking. As a result, not everyone enjoys the growth of the economy as most people remain unemployed. Agriculture, which can potentially employ many people, needs to be modernised and more employment opportunities created.
Some 300,000 barrels of oil were reportedly lost per day in 2013 alone due to vandalism, production shut downs and theft. These are the sort of leakages that will need to be reined in, as the country endeavours to develop. The work does not stop there. Together with Afghanistan and Pakistan, Nigeria remains one of only three countries where polio is still present. Then there is the ‘paradox of plenty’, where an estimated 120m people do not have access to electricity in Nigeria which is the largest oil exporter on the continent. The clear implications being that investments have to be made in shoring up healthcare systems, ensuring efficient service delivery, upgrading key infrastructure in the country, propping up systems and ensuring growth and development is equal. Nigeria’s demographic structure presents opportunities for an economy driven by robust domestic demand. Yet this hinges upon a growing middle class whose spending will drive the economy.
Though South Africa will likely remain the bellwether economy in Africa for the foreseeable future due to its diversification, investments in infrastructure, its size and the systems it has in place, it is obvious that it has underwhelmed of late. With Nigeria’s national elections looming in 2015, it remains to be seen whether the new government will implement the much needed socio-economic reforms and consolidate its newfound position as Africa’s biggest economy.

From How We Made it in Africa

A look at Africa’s bumpy roads and rails

The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is the second largest country in Africa. Fifty-four years after independence, the DRC has few roads connecting one end of the country to the other. In fact, the only way to travel between two distant points is by air and canoes. Many Congolese cannot afford air travel, and most feel as if their country is made up of different countries.
But imagine multi-lane tarred roads linking Kinshasa in western DRC to Goma in the east, or roads and railway lines from Cape Town in South Africa to Cairo in Egypt, and from Dakar, Senegal to Nairobi, Kenya. Just imagine the endless possibilities that would bring.
Improving road and rail systems in Africa will boost the transportation of goods and raw materials, facilitate transactions and negotiations, especially when face-to-face meetings are required, boost tourism and positively impact ordinary lives in diverse ways such as ensuring that people get to the hospital quickly during emergencies, for example. Countless other activities depend on reliable roads and rails.
Most of Africa’s railway lines and roads are in bad condition and need huge investments, according to the African Development Bank (AfDB). The proportion of paved roads on the continent today is five times less than those in developed countries, notes the Bank. As a result, transport costs alone are 63% higher in Africa than in developed countries, hampering its competitiveness in the international and local markets.
The AfDB further points out that transport costs represent between 30% and 50% of total export value in Africa. These costs are even higher in 16 landlocked countries, including ZimbabweSouth SudanMaliand Niger, and constitute up to three-quarters of their total export value.
Poor roads and railways also have a negative impact on intra-African trade, which is currently just 11% of total trade. Development experts believe this figure might have been higher with better roads and railway lines. Trade among Southeast Asia’s 10 countries, at 37%, is much higher than in Africa, for example.
Railway lines in most African countries were built during colonial times to connect mines and other natural resources to ports. In fact, most of the lines were constructed by mining companies. Even now, passenger services account for no more than 20% of rail traffic, says the AfDB. Over the years, passenger business has been shrinking steadily, viable only when road networks are inadequate or non-existent, it says. According to the bank, the costs of maintaining rail tracks and signalling systems, and the level of spending needed to reach passenger speeds, run into billions of dollars and, if not subsidised, passengers would be unable to afford to pay for operating costs alone.
Programme for infrastructure development
With Africa’s economy growing at 5% a year on average, African leaders worry that without a good road and rail network, such impressive economic growth may not translate into real socio-economic development for Africans. In order to turn the situation around, they established the Programme for Infrastructure Development in Africa (PIDA) in July 2010. An initiative of the AfDB, New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and the African Union, PIDA is an ambitious effort to boost African infrastructure, including rails and roads.
Ibrahim Mayaki, the CEO of NEPAD, says PIDA was designed to transform Africa and bridge its massiveinfrastructure gap. “At the moment,” he noted, “Africa is the least integrated continent in the world, with low levels of intra-regional economic exchange and the smallest share of global trade.”
One of PIDA’s remarkable projects is the construction of the 4,500km Algiers-Lagos highway. Also known as the Trans-Sahara highway, the project is already 85% finished and the remainder is expected to be completed this year, according to PIDA. Upon completion, the highway will create a corridor through the desert that will facilitate trade between North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. This means countries such asNigeriaAlgeria and Niger will be able to conduct trade by road transport easily. Historically, the Sahara Desert has hindered trade between the two sub-regions.

Many other rail and road construction projects are underway across Africa. In Kenya, a US$25bn infrastructure development plan, including a road construction that links Kenya to South Sudan andEthiopia, was recently launched by the governments of the three countries. In addition, the AfDB is financing several roads projects in Central Africa.
State of rail transport
Today, only South Africa has a fairly good railway system, according to the World Bank. Before the Fifa World Cup in 2010, South Africa revamped its railway system, including the new underground commuter train between Pretoria and Johannesburg. Some mining companies in Africa also have dedicated railway lines for transporting their goods. For example, African Minerals, a company mining iron ore in Tonkolili Province in northern Sierra Leone, has invested up to $2bn in mining and rail infrastructure, according toAfrica Review, a Kenyan publication.
Most rail networks in Africa are as old as 100 years and have not been upgraded since they were first constructed in colonial days due to lack of funds. These networks cannot meet the demands of modern times, says the AfDB. “Most lines are low-speed, small-scale, undercapitalised networks carrying low axle loads.”
Big projects and China
China is throwing a lifeline for Africa’s railway infrastructure. Some 2,000 Chinese companies are in Africa and many of them are heavily involved in roads and rail construction, reports Der Spiegel, a German newspaper. A study by PricewaterhouseCoopers, a global finance company, says that China’s goal is to take advantage of the increasing growth of African markets. In the DRC, two Chinese construction companies and a copper company, all state-owned, have signed a $9bn contract for the construction of a rail and road network, which is more than the DRC’s entire national budget.
Rail infrastructure in Angola, one of China’s top oil suppliers, is rapidly expanding as part of an ‘infrastructure-for-oil’ trade agreement between the two countries. Kenya recently signed a $5bn deal with China to construct a 952km rail link from the city port of Mombasa to Malaba, a town near its border withUganda. This is expected to be extended to Rwanda, Uganda and Tanzania by 2018. And that is not all. In September 2012, China Railway Construction (CRC) signed a $1.5bn contract to rehabilitate a railway system in Nigeria. The CRC has ongoing projects in Djibouti, Ethiopia and Nigeria worth about $1.5bn in total.
China South Locomotive and Rolling Stock Corporation, a major train manufacturer in China, is bringing $400m worth of locomotives to South Africa. And China’s Export-Import Bank is financing the Mombasa-Nairobi railroad line with $4bn, while the Addis Ababa-Djibouti line is being rehabilitated at a cost of $3bn.
Investing in infrastructure
Raising enough finance for infrastructure development is one of the key challenges facing Africa’s expanding economies. Although most state-owned railroads have been privatised in recent times, and many conceded to programmes funded by international financial institutions, leading to increased traffic volumes, only a few railway systems are able to generate sufficient revenues to fund significant track maintenance. The AfDB recently announced plans to launch a pan-African infrastructure bond totalling about $22bn. Part of this money will be ploughed into rail and roads projects, most of them in East and Central Africa.
There have been suggestions that governments and the private sector could develop infrastructure in partnership. Examples of successful public-private partnerships are the Citadel Capital of Egypt, the largest investment company in Africa and the Transcentury of Kenya, a company that is involved in infrastructure projects. These efforts are supported by African banks, which are coming up with innovative products, such as syndicated loans, that provide the necessary financial support. The banks are also bringing on board development finance institutions such as the German Investment Corporation, Netherlands Development Finance Company, Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa, as well as transnational finance institutions such as European Investment Bank, the International Finance Corporation and the AfDB.
Ongoing rail and road projects will help accelerate Africa’s industrialisation efforts, says Mayaki. Experts add that there has to be a transfer of knowledge to local managers, local experts and local workers. This means that when the expatriates leave, locals can continue to maintain the infrastructure. The urgent task now is to commit more resources to improving Africa’s rail and roads networks. Without good roads and railways, industrialisation is impossible.

From How We Made it in Africa

Want to Succeed at a Startup? Focus on These 5 Qualities.

Working at a startup isn't all ping-pong tables and free food. Though table tennis skills may help you stand out in the crowd (especially at Hukkster HQ), there are certain key qualities that will set you up for success in the startup world regardless of your level of experience or area of interest. Here are five key qualities for success at a startup. These tips will help you not just land the job, but become a driver of your company’s success.
1. Passion for the product. Do your homework. The founders are looking to hire people who are passionate about helping them build their vision into a reality. So you should come to an interview prepared with questions and feedback that really shows you have engaged with the product. Founders want to know that every applicant is genuinely interested in the product and the company.
For example, Hukkster is a platform that allows shoppers to track the specific products they're interested in and find out the moment those products go on sale -- so naturally every applicant is expected to have used the tool themselves (who doesn't like getting great deals anyway?).
2. Roll-up-your-sleeves mentality. Are you comfortable juggling five giant boxes on the subway during rush hour in the middle of winter? Maybe not, but no job is too small at a startup. Since you’ll be working with a small team and always tackling new challenges as they arise, the phrase “that’s not my job,” should never be in your lexicon. 
Come to the interview prepared to provide examples of past activities or work experiences in which you rolled up your sleeves to dig a little deeper into an issue or took on a task that wasn't prescribed.
"If someone expects everything handed to them, they might be better off at a larger company with more infrastructure," says Kathryn Minshew, founder and CEO of career-discovery platformThe Muse. "Smaller businesses need people who will do whatever it takes to make the company successful. And yes, sometimes at 15-person companies, that means the CEO and the social media manager both take turns emptying the kitchen trash."
3. Good ideas are good. Developed ideas are game changing. Got a great idea? Don’t just share it, show it. While you may be bursting at the seams with great ideas, execution and follow-through are key traits to success in the startup world. When you discuss your past achievements, be sure to highlight the times when you implemented changes or took on and oversaw new initiatives. These strong examples will show you have what it takes to be successful.
At a startup, it is much more valuable to identify your top three ideas and work through a fully-baked plan of attack before sharing it with your team, rather than rattling off half-a-dozen suggestions that aren’t well thought-out.  It’s much easier to gain buy-in when you've answered all the potential questions upfront and already laid out a roadmap outlining timeline and return on investment.  
4. Be proactive, not reactive. No matter how young or inexperienced you might be, the best part of working at a startup is that everyone has the potential to contribute in a big way. Demonstrate that you are always thinking ahead and uncovering opportunities to help move the business forward -- even if it's as simple as cleaning up a process or report, offering to help out a colleague when your day's tasks are complete or spending your spare time coming up with innovative ideas and strategizing how they can best be implemented.
5. Be a strategist, not a bystander. When building a concept from scratch, processes and objectives constantly evolve, so look at everything with a critical eye. Unlike your corporate counterparts, your mission is to unlock issues and identify opportunities for change and improvement. Even if you're the most junior hire at the table and don't feel comfortable challenging the status quo, look for informal opportunities to share insights with your team.
At Hukkster, we have team lunches on Fridays and try to celebrate our collective success at team events such rock climbing or happy hour. While such events make working at a startup really fun, they are also good opportunities to ask questions. New hires can provide a critical set of fresh eyes. Demonstrating your ability to think critically and ask smart questions will make you a valued member of the team.
From Entrepreneur

Answer These 3 Questions Before Jumping Into Entrepreneurship

Everyone has at least once in their life had a million-dollar idea. The tricky part is deciding if this idea actually has legs and could be a viable business.
As a small-business owner for a decade, I’ve identified three crucial questions to ask yourself to help decide whether or not the concept is worth pursuing.
These questions can help scope what I like to call The Success Triangle,” an approach to help budding entrepreneurs decide whether to pull the trigger on that small business idea.
1. Concept: Is it a good idea? Let’s start with the obvious.  Not every idea is a good one and just because your mom thinks it’s great doesn’t mean it is.  Too many of us suffer from the “if we build it, they will come” mentality which can be equally tempting and dangerous.  Just because you are obsessed with your dogs and think the world is clamoring for the introduction of canine teeth whitening pens doesn’t mean it will be a hit.  It’s easy for something to seem like a great idea initially but several key questions should be asked to help determine whether the idea is truly solid:
  • Is there a need?  How significant is the need?
  • How much competition currently exists in this space?
  • How large is your potential customer base?
  • Do you have a unique ability to provide this product/service?
  • Do you have experience/passion in this area?
  • Are there trends in the marketplace/industry that might make my produce/service more or less attractive going forward?
2. Execution: How Well Can You Execute the Concept? While it’s great to have a solid business idea, it’s quite another thing to execute it well.  Your idea about selling doggie teeth whitening might be a viable concept that the marketplace needs, but how well can you execute it?  How do you manufacture the product?  How well does it work?  How easily is it applied?  How do you market and deliver the product?  These questions and others are critical issues to consider when contemplating how well your business idea scores on execution:
  • How will you provide great customer service?
  • What is the quality level of your product/service?
  • How efficiently can you produce your product/service?
  • What is your time to market?
  • How is your product/service produced?  Fulfilled?
  • How easy/difficult is it to market the product?
3. Profitability: Is Your Business Model Profitable? Unless you’re starting a nonprofit, most entrepreneurs are hoping to be profitable. (If you’re not managing your profit levels, you won’t be around very long most likely.)  As part of this analysis, it’s important to evaluate your overall business model.  For your dog whitening product, you should consider your pricing structure?  Are you selling whitening pens individually or in bulk?  Are you only selling pens or also providing a whitening service?  Where will you sell: online, through vets and spas or at retailers?  Consider these questions to help evaluate your business model and profit potential:
  • What is your cost structure?  What are your expenses?
  • How much does it “cost” to gain a client? 
  • What is the anticipated demand (quantified)?
  • How will you sell? Online, brick and mortar, using party concept, through resellers?
  • Are you focused on B2B or B2C selling?
  • Are you selling to individuals or groups? Bulk or individual products?
  • Are you using a franchise model?
  • Are you selling products, services or both?
These questions aren’t a substitute for developing a thorough business plan, but they act as a simple guide to help the budding entrepreneur begin that critical vetting process. 

From Entrepreneur